How to compare E-mail Providers
Let us teach you what's important to look out for, to be sure to choose the best E-mail Hosting or E-mail Service provider for your needs.
Let us teach you what's important to look out for, to be sure to choose the best E-mail Hosting or E-mail Service provider for your needs.
99% of worldwide e-mail is processed by 5 companies. In their closed alliance, using their monopoly, they're slowly forcing small providers to give up.
Our special in-house developed Rsync incremental backup script, you can use it for free to instantly get a working incremental back-up.
Create full and incremental back-ups using Rsync, with full explanation and examples of different Rsync commands.
A shorthand command to easily generate a usable passwords using a bash shortcut, like does.
Properly setting up a Let's Encrypt certificate so that it doesn't brick Apache2 every time the certificate needs to get updated. unnecessary
Get screen locking to work with i3lock, light-locker or gnome-screensaver after switching from GDM to LightDM (tested on Debian)
Install the latest Netbeans using Bash: A simple script to install version 12, 13, 14, etc. without ever using your browser.
Migrate your existing SVN repository to GIT and then to Bitbucket, while maintaining all logs, tags and branches